Red Barn Is not an illusion – Really Free Range
Amazing to think that SOMETIMES what your eyes see, is not actually true!
You make think the label on that chicken says FREE RANGE, but is that just an illusion?
As we wander through the aisles of a supermarket, the rows and rows of processed foods are all trying to “catch your eye” to pick them up. “BUY ME!”, they scream.
The manufacturers spend millions of rand on designing packaging, but always, the ingredients are hard, if not impossible to read.
We are NEARLY rid of all the polystyrene trays, and now we are going to put (readable) ingredient labels on every product. It will take a little time…
Our ingredients have always been on the website, if you click on the product you are interested in, you will see them there.
As for Red Barn Farm, we are transparent in what we do. Our free-range farm is open to the public so you can come and see with your own eyes. No illusions here!
This week, we have some interesting specials for you. All really good for you with no “funny stuff” added.
Have an absolutely wonderful week!
Cheers for now,
Lindy and the Red Barn Team
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