Red Barn news and Specials – Farm to Fork ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ’’

Red Barn farm to fork

Newsletter Farm to Fork Deliveries

Hello to you all!

It’s been a busy time for me, mentally.. I am trying to get our products delivered to your homes in the Western Cape and Port Elizabeth (and in between) as cheaply and easily as possible.

I have succeeded in setting up Drop Off / Collection points all over Cape Town so far. So much to think about! The “points” are going to be run by some of our good customers who already know our products. They are going to act as hosts for people who want to share the delivery fee. It is very exciting to see the great response we have had so far.

We want to lead the way in Farm to Fork deliveries!

One day, we will have a complete basket of goods, and a finely tuned delivery network, so you will never need to go to a supermarket again. Wouldn’t that be great?

We are also well underway with our New Farm Shop. It is going to change my farm forever, in a really good way!

Cheers for now,
Thank you for supporting local farmers!
Lindy and the Red Barn Team

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