Links to Red Barn’s weekly Newsletter

PE home delivery

Port Elizabeth, we are delivering on Thursday 27th

Port Elizabeth, place your orders for delivery on Thursday! The cluck truck is filling up and we don't want to disappoint you ever 🙂 Gibson will be leaving George very early on Thursday morning and he will deliver to your home or office. Should…

Beer can Free range chicken braai

Beer Can Chicken in a Weber Yes, we know, you make a wicked Beer-Can Chicken and you’re pretty set in your ways. That’s cool, we trust you, but it never hurts to have some input from one of South Africa’s leading culinary minds. Sure,…

Red Barn Free Range Farm- News and Specials 21st Sept, 2018

Hello to you all on this beautiful spring day! We've been spring cleaning and sorting out our stock and chicken houses.  Nothing like a bit of sunshine to make you feel like tidying up. I got to thinking about how we can help YOU to save…

Joint a chicken – how to

Knowing how to joint a chicken Joint and SAVE! Buying and jointing a whole bird will not only save you money, it’s better for the environment and your tastebuds, too. What’s more, Red Barn's slow-grown whole chickens are at 10% off until…

News and Specials 14th Sept, 2018

{Snowflakes} "one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together" Good Day to you all! Well, Filip and I chose quite a day to deliver in Plett and Knysna last week. It was absolutely pouring and…

News and Specials 7th Sept, 2018

Sale now on - New email went out to subscribers today: Have a look here! Hello to you all... Well Spring is HERE, I hope! To celebrate, we are having a spring sale where you can buy our delicious whole birds and our indigenous free range…

Red Barn Free Range Farm- News and Specials 31st August, 2018

Red Barn Free Range Farm - our latest new and special offers: Check it out in your browser. Good morning to you all from a very chilly chicken farm! I can't quite believe that we are at the END of AUGUST already, roll on spring! This week…

Sign up to get our News and Specials emailed to you

Newsletters are sent out every week

Signing up for our Newsletter

We use MailChimp to create our newsletters.  Signing up is easy and you can unsubscribe at any time. We send out news from the farm, but best of all, you can see our weekly special offers that are only available to subscribers.


Red Barn takes your privacy seriously.  We will never share your email address with anyone, therefore, you can rest assured that your information will only be used to email you our newsletter.

Content of Newsletter

The views expressed in our newsletter are mine entirely, however, should you have any queries or complaints about what I have written, please feel free to contact me personally.

You will find the links to the weekly special offers in our newsletter.  Please note, these offers are only valid for one week.

Shopping Online in our store is really simple, however if you have any difficulty, you are welcome to call us on 044 876 0014 or WhatsApp us on 081 258 1725.  You can also email your order through to us here.

If you have any difficulty using this site you can try our other site.  Red Barn Other Site

Once you have tried our products we are really confident that you will become a long term fan of Red Barn Free Range Farm.  We have over a thousand happy customers to date.  Read our testimonials here.

We welcome you to the Red Barn Family!