Links to Red Barn’s weekly Newsletter

The story of our Madumbi – Granadilla Plant

We have some tyres in our veggie garden, along the fence and I thought it would be great to plant a Granadilla to climb along the fence, so I gave a plant to Jonathan and told him where to plant it.  He did! All of a sudden, this "granadilla"…
Red Barn transform

Red Barn News & Specials 1st Feb, 2019 – 🐛🐛🐛

Hello to you all! Monday morning is always challenging on the farm, so when I heard a big commotion, my heart just SANK! What now..? Charlton and Toelie came up to the house with a couple of these Monster caterpillars on a stick to show…

Conscious Meat Eater – what does that mean?

Today a customer phoned me and said she was rushing to the shop, could I keep it open for her.. She and her husband drove as fast as they could, so as not to inconvenience me!  I am still amazed that people do this, when they could just…

Red Barn News and Specials Jan 2019 – Support farms not factories! 🐔

Hello Everyone! (on a serious note) Local is Lekker! Today, the need for a sustainable future for farming is greater than ever! The impact of industrial farming on the environment and animal welfare, on landscapes and wildlife, on food quality,…
red barn new year 2019

Red Barn News & Specials – New Year 2019

{2019} “In the midst of dawns of sunshine, armed with faith and hope, we enter the splendid and bright New Year.” Hello to you all, Red Barn would like to be the FIRST to wish you Happy New Year! This year I got to email you on both Christmas…

Red Barn News and Specials, Just before Christmas 2018

FAMILY TIME MY GRANDCHILD, GEORGIA IN CANADA -Lindy Gordon-Brown Christmas is here, Hello to you all! It's Christmas, FAMILY time and I am feeling it, as am sure you all are. I was a privileged guest at my YOUNGEST granddaughters…
red barn farm

Red Barn News and Specials for the week 🐥🐥🎁🎄

  Hello Everyone from Red Barn Farm! OOOOH, the shopping malls are so unpleasant at the moment, don't you agree? I am avoiding them "like the plague". The holidaymakers are arriving en force. Red Barn hopes we can assist you with your shopping.…

Red Barn Is not an illusion – Really Free Range

Amazing to think that SOMETIMES what your eyes see, is not actually true! You make think the label on that chicken says FREE RANGE, but is that just an illusion? As we wander through the aisles of a supermarket, the rows and rows of…
Holiday time fill up red barn

Holiday Time – Get your family & friends to stock up for you!

Holiday time is just around the corner! Hello to you all, People are starting to arrive in our little towns to visit family and friends for the holidays. Sometimes having lots of visitors can be a strain on the budget and mostly visitors…
Free range small eggs

Jamie Oliver on Pullet Eggs

"The supermarkets may not want them, but I reckon farmers could find a market for their huge volume of pullet eggs by selling them to restaurants and pubs.” Producing eggs is a family tradition at Mac’s Farm, where the produce is…

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Content of Newsletter

The views expressed in our newsletter are mine entirely, however, should you have any queries or complaints about what I have written, please feel free to contact me personally.

You will find the links to the weekly special offers in our newsletter.  Please note, these offers are only valid for one week.

Shopping Online in our store is really simple, however if you have any difficulty, you are welcome to call us on 044 876 0014 or WhatsApp us on 081 258 1725.  You can also email your order through to us here.

If you have any difficulty using this site you can try our other site.  Red Barn Other Site

Once you have tried our products we are really confident that you will become a long term fan of Red Barn Free Range Farm.  We have over a thousand happy customers to date.  Read our testimonials here.

We welcome you to the Red Barn Family!